Monday, April 20, 2015

OH Anderson Mural

Mural at OH Anderson Elementary School
Mahtomedi, MN
2nd through 6th grades, approx. 80 students
Completed July 2014
21' x 8'

This summer project was very interesting because the space offered many surfaces to cover including the door. The space was the entry way into the Media Center. This project took place over only a few days! The challenge was to create a design that worked even when the door was propped open, which happened a lot through out the school day. I decided on a theme relating to the Media Center which was "Cultural Storytelling". I included ways that cultures and human beings have communicated stories throughout our time. Obviously, we couldn't include all of the forms of storytelling on the wall but I think we got a good variety of elements in there to capture the idea. My summer intern Leah Zobott contributed to parts of the design of the mural. 

Completed mural!

Door opened...
Door closed- view from the other side, inside the Media Center. 

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